Single-Event Upsets
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¶Single Event Upsets
A single-event upset (SEU), also known as a single-event error (SEE), is a change of state caused by one single ionizing particle (ions, electrons, photons…) striking a sensitive node in a micro-electronic device, such as in a microprocessor, semiconductor memory, or power transistors.
Posted on In Code
Posted on In Code
¶Xarray open_mfdataset without time dim
Xarray have a convenient method to open multi-dataset parallelly. However, sometimes time are encoded in the filename and are not in th .nc
coordinate. So we need a method. For example, the dataset of my lab CAQRA[1] do this.
¶Stackoverflow [2]:
Create a function which adds a time dimension to a DataArray, and fill it with a arbitrary date:
1 | def add_time_dim(xda): |
Then, pass this function to the preprocess
argument when running the open_mfdataset
1 | data = xr.open_mfdataset(files, preprocess = add_time_dim) |
Finally, fill the time
dimension with my dates:
1 | data['time'] = dates |
¶Github [3]
I inspired also by an issue in Github and get the code below: