


party & achievements

  • Learned something interesting about emojis: 😬 and 😁 were the same for me before, and when I had to type the word grimacing , I found I use those emojis wrong
  • My party leader IAmProductive is a nice guy and he would say thanks to everybody everyday. Also, he recorded our birthday & habitica day. HE IS SOOO SWEET!
  • Got some inspirations about my website from cygnoir (she/her), who is also a member of our party.

🏆 reached Level 100 of Warrior

gym workout & language learning

  • The pandemic - Stopped gym these days and did pull-ups and other home exercise.
  • Bad language learning - hard to manage my time and couldn’t find a good way to practice oral English.

😭 got my shoulder injured

It has been one year and a half since I have been in Beijing. The first year I was in suburban district of Huairou, where the traffic is not convenient. And when it came to this year the work burden was so heavy, that I couldn’t find much time to hang-out.




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