

Recently I took some swimming lessons in the gym I used to go. I’ve learned breaststroke before but I can’t swim fast with it. My flexibility is bad so I can’t do the right gesture and the rotation of leg may increase my risks of injury. I know if I get some advice from a professional coach and to some training my helps but the easiest way is to change my stoke. So I try to learn crawl swimming these days. And it’s much more tired than breaststroke especially when I wore the flippers. I got my calf cramped and still under recovery.


去了什刹海冰场,和课题组的小伙伴一起, 好快乐。先放一下 降雨几率 剪的视频,正文还有一些照片和记录。

They say people come
Say people go
This particular diamond was extra special

I put an video here. Because I really like it and hope you can listen.


Got some NFC stickers today and wants to do something cool with it.

It’s cool that I can use NFC stickers to record my time usage automatically, its sooo geek!😏

It has been a while since I began gym workout. At first, I can only push 0.6 of my body weight in bench press, but now my 1RM[1] comes to 77Kg, that exceeded my body weight! 🎉

However, my knowledge of workout is still poor. I know I can try to find some professional guys to teach me, but it would be expensive and many personal trainers don’t have enough knowledge, they are more of a seller than a trainer. I’ve seen many trainers have bad strength or abuse drugs like steroids, and I’m in for the natural bodybuilding. Briefly, I need to read some books, and PERSONAL TRAINER MANUAL is a great choice.
